Awareness, Literacy and Competence in the Digital Age

Understanding Risks and Responsible Behaviour.


Security awareness and digital literacy have become basic skills for the citizen of the twenty-first century. However, current forms of political and public debate mostly deal with digitalization as means of productivity. The understanding of threats based on manipulation and missinformation yields large potential to secure not only the democratic values, but self-determinaiton, information autonomy and ultimately freedom of speech, thought and opinion. The public awareness for informational security needs to receive attention in the public sphere – we want that voice to be heard.


Information Security belongs on the agenda for renewed curricula to teach skills for the twenty-first century. Building capabilities to protect the own identity and personal information translates into increased public and corporate security. Awareness for responsible conduct and behaviour in a world of latent threats to free societal cohabitation needs to be understood as public interest. The proper conduct of data and information is therefore a question originating in the realm of educational politics – we want that question to be answered.


Capacity building for information security can be approached from many different angles. Learning methods and innovative educational designs need to be implemented to lower the threshold of engagement and to bring understanding, knowledge and awareness into the general public. Inidividuals need to be approached and adressed with respect to individual circumstances regarding age, employment and technological literacy. Therefore, research and development projects for the multiplication of information security capabilities need to bi nitialised – we want to be the funnel for new ideas.